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MA-NC-SA 4.0 is based on CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 and its human-readable summary. It is suggested that you follow these links, and compare the information with that on the License and Human-Readable pages of this website. Here below follows a terse summary of the changes that have been made to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 in order to produce MA-NC-SA 4.0. Other licenses may be obtained from the Creative Commons License Chooser.

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1(c) BY-NC-SA Compatible License has been removed, and 3(b)(1) has been changed accordingly.
With the removal of 1(c), 1(g) has become 1(f), and has been changed to reflect the License Elements in the name of this Public License.
2(a)(6) has been changed to reflect the requirements of 3(a)(1)(B).


3(a) has been changed significantly. 3(a)(1)(B) and (C) having been moved down to 3(a)(1)(C) and (D), respectively, in order to accommodate a new, inserted 3(a)(1)(B).


3(a)(1)(C) has been changed to require an indication of how the material has been modified.


3(a)(1)(E) has been added.

3(a)(3) has been changed to include the requirement of compliance with 3(a)(1)(B) as well.
The concept of “a substantial portion of (the contents) of the database (contents)” in Section 4 is inadequately-defined, and has been changed to the stricter “any portion of (the contents) of the database (contents)”.


6(a) has been changed to make the license applicable in perpetuity.

Created: 2020jun09tue

Updated: 2024jun14fri

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